S1: Overview of the Week
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S2: Structures
  • Motivation : Aggregate data types
    • Simple data holds "one" value, e.g. number, character
    • Aggregate data holds multiple, e.g. structure, list, vector
    • Many applications process a group of data
      • e.g. Databases, Telephone directory, roadmaps, VLSI circuits...
    • What are structures?
    • A general storage mechanism
    • Can hold a heterogeneous collection of data
    • Simplest structure = a pair
  • A journey into "Collections" Country
    • 4.1 Pairs : the simplest collections
    • 4.3 Linear lists made using pairs
    • Csci 3317, 3321, 3322 : trees, tables, ...
    • Csci 5702, 5703: databases
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S3: 4.1 Domain of Pairs
  • Values = set of pairs of values of scheme datatypes
    • Ex. (1 . 2), (1 . null), (#t . 23), ("Mary" . "644-8286")
    • Dot-notation: dot separates first and second elements
  • Procedures on pairs
    • (i) cons - Given two values, construct a pair
      • return the address of the pair
        (cons 1 2) ; return address of (1 . 2), displays (1 . 2)
    • (ii) car - Given a pair, return the first value
      (car (cons 1 2)) ; returns 1
    • (iii) cdr - Given a pair, return the second value
      (cdr (cons 1 2)) ; returns 2
    • (iv) pair? - Given a scheme-form, checks if it a pair
      (pair? (cons 1 2)) ; returns #t
      (pair? (car (cons 1 2))) ; Q? What will it evaluate to?
  • Q? What do acronyms car and cdr stand for?
    • 1960 machine dependent jargon from IBM 7090
    • Better names would be < first, second > or < head, tail >
    • Some day Scheme hackers will give up old jargon!
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S4: 4.1 Playing with cons, car, and cdr
  • Ex. Evaluate the following?
    • Explain your answers using box-pointer diagrams (Fig. 4-2/3, pp 170).
      (car (cons "head" "tail"))
      (cdr (cons "head" "tail"))
      (car (cdr (cons 1 (cons 2 3))))
      (cons (cdr (cons 1 2)) (cdr (cons 3 4)) )
    • Box-Pointer Diagrams (Fig. 4-2/3, pp 170)
    • Visual representation of a pair is
      • an arrow to a box with two compartments
      • first compartment holds first element
      • second compartment holds the other element
    • Representation of other values are usual, e.g. 2.3. "aString", ...
    • Will revisit in chapter 4.3 Collections
  • Ex. Evaluate the following:
    (car (1 . 2))
    (cons 1 null)
    (cons 1 (cons 2 3))
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S5: 4.1 Common Errors with Pairs
  • Q? How does Scheme separate numbers 2.3 from pairs (2 . 3)
  • Q? How does Scheme separate pairs from procedure-calls?
    • It does not!!!, i.e. We can't use text (1 . 2) as a pair!
      (1 . 2) ;; Forces Scheme to apply procedure 1 on ...?
    • Special form "quote" can help here! = > chapter 4.2
  • Display shortcuts
    • Q? Does (cons 1 null) display (1 . null) ?
    • Q? Does (cons 1 (cons 2 3)) display (1 . ( 2 . 3)) ?
    • Actual displays: (1), (1 2.3)
    • Remove dot followed by parenthesis or null!
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S6: 4.1 Pairs of Pairs of Pairs - Recursive Data-structures!
  • Q? Can we have a pair, whose parts are also pairs?
    • e.g. Is (cons 1 (cons 2 3)) a pair?
    • Yes it is!
      (car (cons 1 (cons 2 3))) ;;; returns 1
      (cdr (cons 1 (cons 2 3))) ;;; displays (2 . 3)
      (car (cdr (cons 1 (cons 2 3)))) ;;; returns 2
      (cdr (cdr (cons 1 (cons 2 3)))) ;;; returns 3
  • Shorthand for sequence of car, cdr
    (cadr (cons 1 (cons 2 3))) ;;; returns 2
    (cddr (cons 1 (cons 2 3))) ;;; returns 3
  • Recursive data-structures
    (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 5))))
    ;;; displays (1 2 3 4 . 5)
    (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 null))))
    ;;; displays (1 2 3 4 5)
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S7: 4.2 Special Form Quote
  • Use values from the domain of pair
    • Use (1 . 2) to mean a pair, not a procedure call
    • Suppress evaluation of 1 in (1 . 2)
    • Analogy: word itself vs. its meaning (evaluation)
      A dog is an animal, while 'dog' is a noun.
  • Syntax: (quote scheme-form) or 'scheme-form
    (quote (1 . 2)) ;;; returns (1 . 2)
    (car '(2 . 3)) ;;; returns 2, not error
    '(1) ;;; returns (1) not error
  • Semantics: Does not evaluate argument scheme-form
    • and return the scheme-form
    • Short of like "No operation"
  • Q? Which domain does x come from?
    • numbers, booleans, characters, string, pairs
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S8: 4.2 Domain of Symbols (i.e. names)
  • Set of values: a, x, Scheme, if, factorial, ...
    • i.e. set of the NAMEs for data, procedures, forms, ...
  • Q? How are Symbols different from Strings?
    • Symbols are atomic, can not be split into characters.
    • Honda, Accords are symbols, "Honda-Accord" is a string
    • Symbols are case insensitive, e.g. foo, FOO, fOO
  • Functions on the domain of Symbols
    • (symbol? x) ;; domain predicate
    • (symbol-equal? x) ;; comparison predicate
    • (string- > symbol string) ;; convert string to symbol
    • (symbol- > string string) ;; convert symbol to string
  • Special forms on the domain of Symbols
    • (define symbol scheme-form) ;; creates a symbol with a value
      (define x 2)
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S9: 4.2 Domain of Symbols (i.e. names)
  • Ex. Determine the values of each symbol created below:
    (define x 4) ;; value of x is 2
    (define y x) ;; What if the value of y?
    (define z 'x) ;; What is the value of z?
    (define z2 ''x) ;; What is the value of z2?
    (define z3 '''x) ;; What is the value of z3
    (define (square x) (* x x)) ;; square is (lambda(x)(* x x ))
    ;;; What will the following forms evaluate to?
    '(sqr 2)
    ('sqr 2)
    (sqr '2)
  • Summary of 4.2 (quote, symbols)
    • Need quotes before pairs and symbols
    • not before numbers, booleans, strings, characters
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S10: 4.3 Back to Domain of Structures : Lists
  • Values = (), (1), ("a" 3), (3 6 "ghij" hello), ...
    • null, i.e. () is a list of no items
    • if L is a list and x is anything, (cons x L) is list.
      • Also (cons x null) and (cons L null) are lists.
      • But (cons L x) is not a list unless x= null.
    • Lists are made of pairs
    • (1) = (cons 1 null)
    • ("a" 3) = (cons "a" (cons 3 null))
    • (3 6 "ghij") = (cons 3 (cons 6 (cons "ghij" null)))
  • Diagrams for lists using box-pointer diagrams
    • Each pair = an arrow to a box with two slots
    • Example: Fig. 4-14/15, pp. 189-90
    • Ex. draw box-pointer diagram for the lists in this slide.
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S11: 4.3 Functions on Lists
  • Predicates:
    • (list? x) ;; check if x is a list
    • (null? x) ;; check if x is an empty list
  • Constructors: functions that return a list
    • (cons item alist) ;; Adds item to the front of alist
    • (list item1 ... itemN) ;; create a list (item1 item2 ...)
    • (append list1 list2) ;; put list2 at end of list1
  • Accessors: take lists and return items or sublists
    • (car alist) ;; return the first item
    • (cdr alist) ;; return the list without the first item
    • (list-ref alist pos);; return item at position pos
      • ;; position of first element is 0.
    • (list-tail alist pos);; return sublist from position pos
      • ;; (list-tail '(1 2) 0) = (1 2); (list-tail '(1 2) 1) = (2), ...
    • Summary of primitive functions on lists:
    • Basic functions are car, cdr, cons
    • Others, e.g. append, can be defined using car, cdr, cons
      • to practice recursive processing of lists
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S12: 4.3 Exercises on Lists
  • Ex. What is the difference between (cons 1 2) and (list 1 2)?
  • Ex. Define the following using function list:
    (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '() )))
    (cons 1 '(3))
    (cons (cons 1 (cons 2 '())) (cons 2 '(3)) )
  • Ex. Evaluate the following. Some may be illegal.
    '(+ 2 2)
    '(1 (2 3))
    '(1 '(2 3))
    (+ (* 2 3) '4)
    (+ '(* 2 3) 4)
    '(lambda(x) (* x x))
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S13: 4.3 Processing Lists Using Recursion
  • A generic recursive formulation
    • Base cases - empty list, or list with one element
      • or result = f( first element in list)
    • Recursive decomposition - into car and cdr
    • Q? Can we have infinite loop?
  • Three kinds of return values
    • A number
    • An item
    • Another list
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S14: 4.3 Processing Lists To Produce a Number
  • Problem: Write a function to compute number of items in a list
    (length alist) ;;count number of elements
    (length '(34 66 1)) ;; returns 3
    (length '()) ;;returns 0
  • Recursive formulation
    • Base Case: empty list = > length = 0
    • Recursive decomposition
      • Non-empty list
      • (length L) = (+ 1 (length (cdr L)))
        ;;;length% takes a list and returns the number of elements
        ;;;e.g. (length '()) = 0 ; (length '(33 42)) = 2, etc.
        ;;; Given a non-list argument, length% may break!
        (define (length% L)
        (if (null? L)
        (+ 1 (length% (cdr L))) ))
    • Q? Why use symbol length% instead of length?
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S15: 4.3 Processing Lists to Produce an Item
  • Problem: Implement (list-ref alist position)
    (list-ref '(11 22 33) 0) ;; returns 11
    (list-ref '(11 22 33) 2) ;; returns 33
  • Recursive Formulation
    • Base Cases
      • empty list = > return error
      • position = 1 = > (car alist)
    • Recursive Decomposition for N > 1
      • find item at (sub1 position) in (cdr alist)
        ;;;procedure list-ref% takes a list and a numeric position
        ;;; and returns the item at the position
        ;;;e.g. (list-ref% 0 '(3 4 5)) = 3 ; (list-ref% 2 '(3 4 5)) = 5
        ;;;position > = (length list) return null, (list-ref% 10 '(3 5))= null
        ;;; position < = 0 causes infinite looping
        ;;; Given a non-list argument, length% may break!
        (define (list-ref% alist N)
        (if (null? alist)
        (if (zero? N)
        (car alist)
        (list-ref% (cdr alist) (sub1 N)) )))
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S16: 4.3 Processing Lists to produce Another list
  • Problem: Copy a given list to produce another list
    • with no pair sharing.
      (list-copy '(2 3 4)) ;; yields (2 3 4) with different pairs
    • Strategies for producing lists
    • (i) Strategy 1 : recursively use cons
    • (ii) Strategy 2 : Tail recursion with accumulator list
  • Trace Driven Development of Functions
    • Write a trace with a sample input
    • Check if moving from step I to I+1
      • requires only simple p(e.g. primitive) functions
    • Generalize the step conversion to an expression
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S17: 4.3 Producing Lists - Repeating "cons"
  • Base Case: empty list = > return empty list
  • Recursive Decomposition Strategy 1 : cons
  • Trace driven development
    • Trace
      input = (1 2 3 4)
      output = (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 nil))))
      = (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (list-copy '(4)) )))
      = (cons 1 (cons 2 (list-copy '(3 4)) ))
      = (cons 1 (list-copy '(2 3 4)) )
      = (list-copy '(1 2 3 4))
    • Generalizing to get an expression
      • (list-copy L) = (cons (car L) (list-copy (cdr L)))
        (define (list-copy L)
        (if (null? L)
        (cons (car L) (list-copy (cdr L))) ))
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S18: 4.3 Producing list using tail-recursion
  • Recursive Decomposition Strategy 2 : accumulator list
    • Use a helper function of two arguments
    • Trace with input = (1 2 3 4)
      output = (copy-helper '(1 2 3 4) '())
      = (copy-helper '(2 3 4) '(1))
      = (copy-helper '(3 4) '(1 2))
      = (copy-helper '(4) '(1 2 3 ))
      = (copy-helper '() '(1 2 3 4))
    • Generalizing to get (1 2 3 4) from (1 2 3) and 4 ?
      • choice 1 : (insert-at-end 4 '(1 2 3))
      • choice 2 : (reverse (cons 4 (reverse (1 2 3))))
      • choice 3 : (append '(1 2 3) '(4) )
      • (copy-helper L R) = (copy-helper (cdr L) (append R (car L)))
        (define (list-copy L)
        (copy-helper L '()) )
        (define (copy-helper L R)
        (if (null? L)
        (copy-helper (cdr L) (append R (list (car L)))) ))
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S19: 4.3 More Examples of List Processing
  • Q? Which strategy is more natural?
  • Ex. Identify the base cases and recursive decomposition
    • for the following functions on lists:
      (sum aListOfNumbers ) ;; returns sum of numbers in the list
      ;;; (sum '(2 3 4)) = 9
      (member aList anItem ) ;; predicate to check if anItem is in aList
      ;;; (member 3 '(2 3 4)) = #t ; (member 1 '(2 3 4)) = #f
      (list-tail alist pos);; return sublist from position pos
      (list item1 ... itemN) ;; create a list (item1 item2 ...)
      (append list1 list2) ;; put list2 at end of list1
      ;;; (append '(1 2 3) '(3 4)) = (1 2 3 3 4)
      (reverse aList ) ;; return another list
      ;;; (reverse '(1 2 3)) = (3 2 1)
      (read-list aList ) ;; read a list of items enclosed in "{", "}"
      (display-list aList );; display a list of items
    • See chapter 4.3 for details
    • 4.3.3 list-tail%, 4.3.4 equal?%, 4.3.5 member%, 4.3.6 append%
    • 4.3.8 reverse% and droid-models for procedures on lists
    • 4.3.9 input-output with lists
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S20: 4.4 Higher level procedures: Map, Filter and Reduce
  • Higher level procedures
    • Have a parameter of the type procedure
    • i.e. They operate on the domain of procedures
    • Ex. differentiate, compose, ...
  • List transformations: map, filter, reduce
    • Are higher level procedures
    • Perform a given procedure on each element of a given list
    • Produce another list or atomic value
  • As high level procedures
    • They are generalization of many operations on lists
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S21: 4.4.1 Map
  • Map as a higher level procedure on lists
    • Ex. Consider following operations
      • f1: add 1 to each element, e.g. (2 3 4) = > (3 4 5)
      • f2: square each element, e.g. (2 3 4) = > (4 6 9)
      • f3: compute GPA for each element,
        e.g.. (John Mary Lisa) = > (3.4 3.9 3.3)
    • General procedure (map procedure list)
      (map add1 '(2 3 4))
      (map sqr '(2 3 4))
      (map compute-GPA '(John Mary Lisa))
  • Definition of procedure map
    (define (map% aProcedure aList)
    (if (null? aList)
    (cons (aProcedure (car aList)) (map% aProcedure (cdr aList)))))
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S22: 4.4.2 Filter
  • Semantics: Given a list L and a predicate, produce another list
    • consisting of element of L satisfying the predicate
    • Examples:
      (filter number? '("2" "3" 4 5)) ;;; returns (4 5)
      (filter odd? '(2 3 4 5)) ;;; returns (3 5)
    • Definition of procedure filter
      (define (filter% aPredicate aList)
      (if (null? aList)
      (if (aPredicate (car aList))
      (cons (car aList) (filter% aPredicate (cdr aList)))
      (filter% aPredicate (cdr aList)) )))
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S23: 4.4.3 Reduce
  • Semantics: Recursively apply a given binary procedure
    • to elements in the list as shown below:
    • (reduce f 10 '(2 3 4)) = f(2, f(3, f(4, 10)))
    • Simple meaning for commutative operations, e.g. +
    • (reduce + 10 '(2 3 4)) = 2 + 3 + 4 + 10
    • Complex meaning for non-commutative operations, e.g. -
    • (reduce - 10 '(2 3 4)) = (- 2 (- 3 (- 4 10)))
      = 2 - 3 + 4 - 10
    • Definition of procedure reduce
      (define (reduce% aBinaryProcedure nullValue aList)
      (if (null? aList)
      (aBinaryProcedure (car aList)
      (reduce% nullValue aBinaryProcedure (cdr aList)) )))
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S24: 4.4 More on Reduce
  • Reduce is a powerful operator and can
    • implement many list procedures
    • Example: implementing length% using reduce
      (define (length% L) (reduce add1toY 0 L))
      (define (add1toY x y) (+ 1 y))
      ;;(reduce add1toY 0 '(4 7 2)) = (add1toY 4 (add1toY 7 (add1toY 2 0)))
    • Example: implementing append% using reduce
      (define (append% L1 L2) (reduce cons L2 L1))
      ;;(reduce cons '(3 5) '(4 7 2))
      ;; = (cons 4 (cons 7 (cons 2 '(3 5))))
  • Generalize associative binary procedures to work with a list of values
    • Adding a list of numbers using binary +
      (define (addNumbersInList L) (reduce + 0 L))
      ;; (reduce + 0 '(4 3 5 2)) = (+ 4 (+ 3 (+ 5 (+ 2 0))))
    • Concatenating a collection of lists
      (define (cat L) (reduce append '() L))
      ;;(reduce append '() '((2 4) (3 2 1) (7 2)) )
      ;; = (append '(2 4) (append '(3 2 1) (append '( 7 2) '() )))
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)
S25: 4.4 Exercises on map, filter and reduce
  • Ex. Evaluate the following:
    (map (lambda(x) (cons x 'foo)) '(a b c))
    (map length '( (2 3) ( 8 7) ((2)) ))
    (filter list? '(1 (2 3) 4 9 ( 8 7) ((2)) ))
    (filter number? '(1 (2 3) 4 9 ( 8 7) ((2)) ))
    (reduce (lambda(x y)(+ y (* 10 x))) 0 '(2 4 1))
    (reduce (lambda(x y)(+ x (* 2 y))) 5 '(2 4 1))
  • Adv. Ex. Define factorial using reduce and a helper procedure
    • to generate a list of numbers from 1 to N.
  • Adv. Ex. Define map using reduce and a helper procedure.
Copyright: S. Shekhar, C. S. Dept., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Csci,3316,Winter.(home)