Home Works and Projects

Textbook exercises are denoted by (section number, page numbers). The Case Study/Project problems will carry 50 percent weight in respective homeworks.
HW #  Exercises (Following this table)  Labs (Textbook) 
Survey, Tools 2,  Process 4, Process 5, Process 6.  Lab 1
Files 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Files 12(a-c), Files+Process 1   Lab 2
Signal 1.4, Signal 3.   Lab 3  
Thread 5(1, 2), Thread 6, Thread 7, Thread 8   Lab 4 
5 Sockets, Client-Server 6(1),  Sockets, Client-Server 7, 8,
Client-Server + Threads 1.
  Lab 5 
  • Survey (Part of Homework 1):
    1. What are your itlabs login-name and preferred email address?
    2. Specify the category that describes you best:

    3. MAJOR: Computer Science / Business / Electrical Eng. / Other ;
      STATUS: Graduate Student, Senior, Junior, Sophomore, Freshman, other.
    4. Courses completed: (a) Programming Languages, (b) C++ and Data Structures (c) Assembly Languaue (d) Scheme Programming
    5. Size of the largest C program ever written: (a)< 100 lines, (b) 100 - 1000 lines, (c) 1000 - 10,000 lines, (d) > 10,000 lines
    6. Size of the largest Shell script ever written: (a)< 10 lines, (b) 10 - 100 lines, (c) 100 - 1000 lines, (d) > 1000 lines
    7. List 2 Unix commands each relating to the following topics: (a) process control, (b) directory, (c) program development, (d) text processing, (e) getting help, (f) internet access.
    8. Discuss your expectations from this course in the following areas: basic concepts, O. S. commands, shell programming, application programming with system call, system administration, and hands-on experience. Limit your answer to 100 words.
