Lecture Notes - Csci 4061

  1. What is Concurrency (Chapter 1): postscript , pdf
  2. Processes (Chapter 2): postscript , pdf
  3. Files (Chapter 3): (notes for later sections of ch#3 will be expanded!).
    1. Version 1 (first 7 slides finalized for sections 3.1) : postscript , pdf
    2. Version 2 (first 18 slides finalized for sections 3.1-3.3) : postscript , pdf
    3. Final version (has 4 new slides at end relative to version 2) : postscript , pdf
  4. Signals (Chapter 5): Final version (Sections 5.8-9 will not be expanded): postscript , pdf ;
    Controlling return place after handler : postscript , pdf
  5. Memory Management in C (Review): postscript , pdf
  6. Threads (Chapter 9): postscript , pdf
    MQ details : postscript , pdf
  7. Thread Synchronization (Chapter 10 - mutex, semaphore): postscript , pdf ,
    Thread Synchronization (Chapter 10 - condition variables, signals): postscript , pdf ,
  8. Client Server (Chapter 12: Basic concepts, UICI): postscript , pdf ,
    Client Server (Chapter 12: Sockets): postscript , pdf ,
  9. Perl Notes (150 pages: download/print at your own risk!) postscript ,
  10. Last class postscript , pdf ,

Other Resources -

  1. On-web man pages: Gnu C library , Gnu tools (e.g. make, gdb), Linux , FreeBSD ,
  2. On-line tutorials: Unix Commands, C Language Basics (no pointers), C Tutorial - Pointers (nice diagrams), Another C Tutorial w/ pointers (code examples) ,
  3. Operating Systems Concepts (Silberschatz): Slides See chapters 4 (Process, Threads), 10 (Files), 21 (Unix), 23 (NT).
  4. POSIX : Wish POSIX man page are on-line! Till then use IEEE docuemtns and following books :
    POSIX.4, B. O. Gallmeister, O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN 1-56592-074-0).
    POSIX Programmer's Guide, O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN 0937175-73-0).
    POSIX.1 Standard: A Programmers Guide, Benjamin Cummins, (ISBN 0-8053-9605-5).