Recitation Shedule

TA Email Recitation hours
Weili Wu Sec 2, MechE 108, W 12:20-1:10pm
Baek Young Choi  Sec 3, LindH 203, W 11:15-12:05pm
Vijaymohan Deshmukh Sec 11, EE/CS 3-210, W 6:50-7:40pm 
Sec 12, EE/CS 3-111, W 7:55-8:45pm

Asynchronous I/O select() and poll()
Week Topic Details
1: Tools (appendix) A.1 Getting help: man (figure A.1), man -k (example A.2), command vs. functions (example A.6, exercise A.3), command syntax (exercise A.10)
A.2 Compiling C programs: cc, cc -o, cc -c (examples A.14, A.17)
A.3 Makefile target, components, dependency graph (examples a.19-20, figure A.2) and make command (example A,22).
2: Review HW1 Ex. Process 1-3
Section 7.1: Simple Shell
Semantics of fork() in a loop: Example 2.7 (pp. 46-47)
Learning Unix (Ch. 6): Background processes- ^Z, fg, bg, ps
Learning Unix: (Ch. 5): I/O redirection (|, >, <, >>), Ex. (pp 74)
Lab. 1: review makefile
3: Files Ex. Files 1-5
Process synch. via wait/exit: Exercises 2.4, 2.5 (pp 52-53) )
Unix file representation (Exercise 3.3, pp. 87)
Learning Unix: (Ch. 4) File Management: *, ?, ls, find, cd, rm, mv vs. cp
Optional: mkdir, rmdir, ls -a, ftp, mcopy, lp/lpr, lpq, cancel/lprm
4: Review HW2 Lab. 2: review makefile
Review substitute command in vi/sed (e.g. s/ab/cd/g) with regular expression characters (e.g. *, ?, [])
Buffers & fork: Exercise- Files+Process 2 (script)
7.2 Implementing redirection: Program 7.5)
7.3 Implementing pipes: Program 7.7, 7.8
5: Signals Signals 2 from on-line list
7.4 Implementing Signals: Programs 7.9
Exercise 7.10 (pp. 267)
6: Review HW3 Lab. 3: review makefile
C pointers, memory management (lecture notes)
raise(), handler installation : Predict output of the program 1
handlers : Predict outputs of program 2 for options 1, 2 and 3.
Reentrant functions : Predict outputs of program 3 and program 4. What makes a function non-reentrant?
7: Threads Writing servers handling multiple concurrent clients
Sections 9.1.1, 3.7
Sections 9.1.3, 9.1.4, 3.8
8: Review for MQ Practice MQ
9: Misc. Review MQ Exam.
10: Review HW4 Lab. 4: review makefile
mutex Ex. Threads 9: how to analyze MT programs w/ mutex
thread synchronization Ex. Threads 11: compare mutex, semaphore, condition
11: Semaphores Ex. Thread 10 - analyzing programs with semaphores
Threads and Signals Program 10.7 (pp. 388-390)
12: Review HW5 Lab. 5: review makefile
Testing Client Server Exercise 12.1 (pp. 444)
Client Server Client - Server 1, 2, Client - Server + Files 10
13: Review HW5 Lab. 5: review makefile, uici.h, uici.c
14: Review for Final Practice Exam.
Course Evaluation
15: Practice Final