Title: Query Processing in SQL Server 2000
Presenter: Goetz Graefe, Software Architect (bio below)
Date: Monday, November 13th
When: 6:00pm
Where: EE/Csci Room 3115

Abstract: SQL Server 2000 incorporates many of the latest query processing techniques -- indexed (materialized) views, hash joins, star joins, parallelism, etc. In fact, the SQL Server 2000 query processor incorporates much of the latest research, e.g., exploiting functional dependencies in the optimizer or the most advanced & complete hash join techniques in the query execution engine. Moreover, both optimizer and execution engine have been engineered to be very modular and therefore maintainable and extensible, promising customers rapid innovation and offering our development engineers rapid realization of innovative inventions. In this talk, I will show some of the technical advances and achievements in the shipping product, and detail some of the implementation techniques. The intended audience is software engineers who want to understand the internal algorithms and techniques. Some of the material has been been or will be presented at research conferences such as VLDB and Data Engineering.

This talk will be followed by a Q&A period about SQL Server, internships, and career opportunities at Microsoft and in SQL Server.

Bio: Goetz Graefe graduated from UW Madison in 1987 with a Ph.D. in Computer Science specializing in databases systems. While serving as a professor in Portland, Oregon and Boulder, Colorado, he has published numerous articles on parallel query execution and extensible query optimization in academic conferences and journals. Since joining Microsoft in 1994 as software architect, he has helped turning many practical research ideas into shipping product.