Homework Problems

HW Laboratory Discussion Questions Problems
1. Lab 1 2.16, 3.17, 3.25 2.17, 3.20, 3.32
2. Lab 2 4.18, 4.20, 4.27 4.9, 4.18, 4.20
3. Lab 3: Revised , 7.17, 8.21, 10.35 7.15, 8.14, 10.4
4 Lab 4: Revised, old draft, 12.27, 14.11, 16.28 14.3, 16.1
Laboratory 1 will focus on simple querying (e.g. select, join, insert) using SQL. Laboratory 2 will relate to medium complexity querying (e.g. nested queries) using SQL. Database design (e.g. ER models) will be the core of Laboratory 3. Laboratory 4 will uncover new SQL3 features such as triggers, cube operator, create type etc.

Laboratory Resources